Meanwhile, in pre-production, we've just finished revising the storyboard and editing the animatic for ep. 35, which was a grueling pain in the ass (why must I write fight scenes with 30 characters in them?) but well worth it and much the better for our efforts. We're now going to skip ahead to ep. 37, because Doc and I were foolish enough to wait till the third-to-last script to write an episode that needs to air third in continuity.
Speaking of air dates, some bad news: we're probably not going to premier the third season until June now. I don't have an official date yet, but that's the latest word from Atlanta. Which is probably a wise decision, considering our production schedule. On the plus side, we will have already started production on season 4 by then, so the wait between seasons 3 and 4 won't be so merciless.
Anyway, have a great Thanksgiving. Next time: more production art, including some new character art, and perhaps more frame grabs from new episodes.
We Love You,
Maynard Says: While it totally blows that we won't have any Venture Brothers goodness till June, everything they are syaing about this season makes me think that the wait will be well worth it. Plus, it gives us far more time to plan the Season Premier viewing party at casa del maynard's next summer.
Not to mention that the 40 inch LCD TV will make viewing mucho grando!
Let's hope for Cartoon Network HD by then. Sucks that we have to wait so long!
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