Let's look at the facts. John Connor Future (heretofore called JCF) sends an attractive high-school aged terminator back to John Connor Past (JCP). JCF knows everything about JCP's past as he has already lived it. JCF knows that JCP is likely a smoldering volcano of hormones stuck at home and on the run his whole life...no time for love, Dr. Jones. Knowing this, there can be only one reason that JCF would send a veritable cybernectic piece of ass to the past...so that JCP can get his mack on, lose the virginity, and pursue his career as revolutionary leader without the pressure of his hormones distracting him. If JCF did not intend to have JCP love up his robot, then JCF would more likely have sent a terminator back who was either male to befriend JCP, or a female terminator who looks like your high school lunch lady and hence is NEVER the object of a teen boy's sex fantasy. To top it all off, watch the interplay between JCP and Cameron the terminator. Watch how she touches his neck, gazes at him, and interacts with him. Is that typical terminator behavior? Add into this that the terminator sent to kill them in 2007 registered Cameron as an "unknown cyborg". Might this be due to the fact that, like good old Mr. Data, Cameron is a "fully-functional" cyborg?

So Who Wants to Bet...
That John Connor loses his virginity to a terminator.
That would explain a few things.
No bet.
In my world JCF sent a terminator that looks like his current wife or girlfriend when she was a teenager therefore engaging in a fantasy of mackin' with his old lady when she was a hottie and not a road warrior of the future.
Just sayin.. that's how it's goin in my head :) But yeah.. I say they do get it on robo-style :)
If that is the case, I hope that he is properly grounded. Gives a new meaning to protection...giggity!
So would there kid be a tyke-inator?
That's the beauty of a terminator - they don't reproduce - well not if a guy were building them anyway :)
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