Man this sucks. I first saw Ledger in The Patriot. Jen absolutely L_O_V_E_D him in A Knight's Tale (which due to her lust for the man means I have seen that movie like 50 times). Over the years we have seen him in a few other movies and he seemed to take on both unconventional and daring roles that may not have lit the box office on fire, but he never put in a bad performance. While Broke Back Mountain may have been his critical role, I really think that his turn as the Joker might really have put him on the map as a mainstream star, much like Brandon Lee might have been following The Crow.
By all accounts he was a genuinely nice man both on and off the set and his dedication to his craft really made him a little special in Hollywood at this time. Here we deal with the loss of a father and role-model (one of the few postives out there) and I for one shall mourn his passing.

First Brandon Lee and then Heath Ledger. But we still somehow have Paris Hilton and Britney Spears.
Somewhere Jake Gyllenhaal is screaming "I figured out how to quit you!!!".
BAD FORM.... POOR TASTE "vanbrujah"
Remember that is was a REAL PERSON with a family -parents and a child!! WOW, you are such a DOUCH!!!
I believe the word you were looking for is Douche.
Feel free to criticize me once you've learned to spell, ok?
let's save the violence for the family reunion
It doesn't matter how you spell it, you're still an inconsiderate heartless JACKASS!!!
Well, I guess I'll just have to cry myself to sleep tonight.
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